Tube or solid state

Do you prefer a tube preamp into a solid state amp or a solid state amp into a tube amp,which is your choice for best sound?


Showing 3 responses by pindac

@roxy54 The point being the challenges / arguments or ideas, that can develop about the equipment selected for use are endless, forums are filled with this type of content, there is not a ubiquitous method in use from all who enjoy the replays of recorded music.

The experiencing of a musical encounter comes in a variety of methods, and the entertainment value will vary, depending on how the experience is designed to be created. The enjoyment of being present where there is music to be heard will always prevail.

Even if from a Radio in a Car or Alexia.

HiFi (High Fidelity) has the origins for the use of it as a term, that is founded in the 1950's.

It is a Marketing 'Buzz Word', that has successfully stuck and been adopted in daily use.

As in all Marketing 'Buzz Words', there is something a little fantastical about it, the purpose is to have a allure and encourage a certain outcome.

I don't know many who are in pursuit of HiFi as the end goal, I do know many that are in pursuit of a musical encounter, through the replay of recorded music, that is an enjoyable entertainment.

There does seem to be a vast quantity of individuals enjoying replayed music as a result of a replay of a recorded medium.

The electronic designs chosen to achieve the replay is a means to an end, and does not take away from the enjoyment of the experience.

If the goal is to have the 'so called' very best of electronics and mechanical function, then this is a road less travelled, and one that will come with endless confrontation about philosophies and design for such devices selected.    

There is also the Designs in place where the Aesthetic of the Product, carries a substantial proportion of the costing, placing it at a marketing level that will be referred to as a High End sector of HiFi.

Have a look under the hood and the circuit design will in many cases be discovered to be a mediocre affair, and not too inspiring to somebody in the know.

A Brand and Attractive Aesthetic, can for some, make the sonic produced from the replay 'seem to be' a very refined presentation. Assessing / Listening with the eyes, is only one part of the discipline required, when evaluating equipment being demonstrated.