Tube or solid state

Do you prefer a tube preamp into a solid state amp or a solid state amp into a tube amp,which is your choice for best sound?


Showing 1 response by donavabdear

I have a tube (hybrid) system and a ss system in the same room the differences are huge, the tube system sounds much better, warmer, more magic. The ss system has much less noise and sounds more accurate (true to the original recording). In recording studios like Capitol they use analog mixers and then record to 192khz ProTools digital. Tubes are warmer a lot like your favorite blanket and your Moms hugs. SS is colder, cleaner and more to the point like your rich aunt who has that house that never had anything out of place. 

My professional mixing is SS, my listening for fun is tube. But I'm getting fed up with changing all these stupid tubes and not really knowing when they start loosing their magic it happens slowly and soon enough you are listening to an expensive system that sounds not as good as it should.