Tube or R-2R DAC for Tube System

My main system is a tube system, tube amps, tube pre-amps, etc. I am in a choice of a new tube or R-2R ladder DAC. I have no doubt about a tube DAC, but I also have heard a lot of good things about the R-2R ladder DACs. May any of you share your opinions?
I've had my Musical Paradise mp DAC mk3 for a while.  It has user changeable caps (no soldering) and uses both 5 and 6.3 volt rectifiers, and 12 or 6 volt signal tubes.  You can even change the chipsets from AKM's to ESS Pros.  I've done a couple r2r's but keep going back to my MP.  It will do up to DSD 512 and will handle high sampling rates.  I like the fact that I can change to sound by swapping tubes and caps.
@hshifi -  "I would say stick to chip based DACs with tube gear"  Not sure how you came to that conclusion.  Just finished a 4 hour listening session with tube Sabre 32 bit chip dac and a R2R DHT dac in an all tube system preamp and Class A mono blocks.  We all said to each other, that not one of us has heard any system ever that sounded like this, ever.

Happy Listening.
I like the dsd converting dac. Psaudio and Marantz sacd 30N . best of both worlds . smooth and not too clinical .
That sounds like a very fun listening experience. I know that you have several transports to choose from. Were you all using the Pro-Ject RS2 Transport?
Your best decision, in my opinion and experience, is stick with tubes to get the best of digital and analog.  I have an all-tube system (Octave MRE 220's with SBB) and an Octave Jubilee Pre). Admittedly, my server is all SS (Antipodes K50).

I bought the Lampizator Pacific DAC w/300B tubes.  It is the best audio purchase I have ever made. The Lampi Pacific produces an analog-like sound, which rivals the best turntable, tonearm, cartridge and phono-amp combination money can buy, but with noticeably more bandwidth in the audio spectrum  - so it ups the ante in terms of delivering unprecedented realism.

Wait for it!  Soon the sound of the skeptics and critics, who will pull out their rifles filled with homemade amo cast from the forges of their misery, envy and frustration.  Fire away my sadlizes!  I won't be able to hear you over the beautiful sound of my Pacific DAC.