I am looking for a really unusual tube. In one of my previous posts I had a couple of audiogon members point out a few good sites and I was able to locate some for sale. My initial problem was not finding any, now I have too many to chose from.

The tube: 6CL8A/6CL8

Brands available: RCA, GE, Sylvania, Tung Sol..etc.. quite a few.

I know nothing about this other than I want the best one possible. I would like one that minimizes microphonics and that sounds like tube heaven, help me out. Thanks a million guys.

Showing 1 response by racamuti

I suggest that you call Andy at "Vintage Tube Services", he has the equipment to properly test tubes and can sell you tubes that are not micro-phonic. He can also tell you which brands hold up the best and the differences between them. After all tubes are his business. Good Luck!