Tube Mono-Block Recommendation

Currently I have the Bob Carver 305, Looking to upgrade to something else in the Class A Region. Budget is around 12000 US, New or Used any recommendation.

I like the Amps, to be fast, Accurate and musical as possible. Giving me close to Transistor Amp Clarity but with the magic off tubes.

Showing 3 responses by roscoeiii

If you are looking for fast, accurate and musical, I'd recommend looking into Atma-sphere OTL amps. Though you will need to make sure that they work well with your speakers (as with any amp).

So yes, knowing what speakers you will be driving will be a big help.
+1 to Rushton's response. What is that Atma show trick? Pulling out an output tube when the amp is playing?

And yes Atma was the first amp that jumped to mind given your criteria.
Yeah, Ralph is great to work with. Think you made a great choice based on your requirements.