Tube Life Question: 12AX7 Drivers


OK, here's a question for some of those out there who have lived with 12AX7 drivers. How long have they lasted in your experience? I used to have an amp that used them, and after 6 years, they still seemed fine. Now that I again own an amp that uses these tubes in this application, I'm wondering what the actual life expectancy is - 5 years, 10 years, 25 years???

Thank you in advance,

Showing 2 responses by ben

12AX7 driver tubes in my amp (SEP Class A circuit)5-6 mounths last (3-4 hours listening a day)they are EH 12AX7s
preamp tubes are 12AU7 and power tubes are KT88 and they last
atleast a year but driver tubes getting dull,dry and lifeless
in 6th mounth. I do not know why?
Trelja,thanks for your help, my amp is auto bias, though voltage is not bad I use power regulator,the only logic reason
left is the tubes I have bought EH12AX7 s were bulk version and they might be terrible short life,I will try to buy original box version.