tube integrated for Vandersteen 2's

I've been looking at the Rogue Cronus Magnum and the Cary SLI-80 for the Vandersteens. In a small room 8 x 10 with mostly jazz. any other ones in the $2K price point to consider?
I just bought the McIntosh C220 tube pre to match with my two MC2100 amp that will drive my 2 CE Sig II.
Ah, Well then, Rogue or ARC integrated would be good choices - 50-60 watts should more than adequate power. The Rogue gear appears to be particularly good value, and I don't like the look of the ARC integrates (I like knobs to control functions) but that is a matter of taste.
Sorry, I was away. I'm using a YBA 2 pre/power. I have a SOTA Stsr/ SME V Grado Master. I use a Mac Mini Wavelength Coscecant Dac for digital. The room is much larger 12x 26 but the listening area is only 12 x 8. The speakers are on the long wall 2 feet in and the listening position is 6 feet from the speakers. Tapestry on wall behind the listening position. Can't listen loud NYC co-op. I'm happy with the speakers in general the question was about trying tubes over my SS YBA stuff for a change not changing speaker or room treatments that will have me living in Central Park after my wife throws me out.
I agree, there is a way, but tough without some knowhow on how to deal with the issues, I'd rather get a speaker better suited to the space, a high quality monitor from Harbeth or Merlin for example.
I believe the 2ce Sig IIs will integrate at a 7' to 8' listening distance. Sufficient absorption behind the listening position will (effectively) increase the size of the room, and will allow you to sit closer to the wall (assuming you've also managed the low-end frequencies).

Assuming the speakers are positioned along the 8' wall, are out 2' from the rear wall, and the listening position effectively places the listener out 1' from the rear wall, you can just make it work.

However, your point is taken, and again, is part of the reason why I personally went with 2-way Green Mountain Audio speakers, and augmented the low-end with 2 subs.
I'm not sure the problem is simply room reflections and bass traps, I'm not sure the room is big enough for driver integration. John Rutan from Audio Connection in New Jersey would probably be the best person to ask, I suspect he has sold more VS speakers than anyone in the country. The room/speaker interface is so much more important than the amp in terms of priority, that I would not spend a dime on an amp till I was sure the I got that part of the equation right first.
I know I'm taking this conversation even more off-track...

While I agree that, in general and without knowing more about your system, room and preferences the Vandersteens are too much speaker for your room (I went with Green Mountain Audio speakers over a set of Vandersteen 2ce Sig IIs for this exact reason) you may want to think about acoustical treatments before getting on the equipment merry-go-round.

Acoustical Solutions

A set of 2' x 4' x 2" panel at the first reflection point, a 4' x 6' x 2" panel behind the seating position, and 2 (4 if you can do it) corner-mounted bass traps can do wonders for a small room.

I promise you...this will be a far better $1000 upgrade than any equipment purchase. No, it ain't sexy, but it's *soooo* worth it. If you've done this already know what I'm talking about.

What are you using now as an amp / pre-amp / integrated?
Miketuason is correct with his recommendations. Jadis Orchestra reference is another consideration but biasing that amp requires professional service unless you can do it yourself. Vandy's are wonderful speakers (I don't own them personally, but have always been impressed with them) and will pass on upstream excellance (so the better the amp is, go for it) in all components. Happy Listening.
I think Ddd1 is right, unless you are planning a different room in the near future, it seems you do not have a optimal room/speaker combo - other than that, Rogue or ARC seem like good recommendations for use with Vandersteen - at least there seems to be a lot of folks happy with that pairing.
This is probably not the advice you want to hear, but if you have 2K to invest I would move out the Vandersteens which are unsuitable for a room this small rather than invest the money on an amp specific for them. They are classic speakers but need a big room.
Optimal Enchantment (Vandersteen Dealer) in Santa Monica, CA like to use Audio Research for all their Vandersteen speakers. I personally like the old vintage McIntosh for my 2CE Sig II

I have seen reports on the Rogue Audio amps with Vandersteen speakers. Most people liked the combo....