Tube integrated

Hi all
I'm beginning to consider a tube integrated that ideally has an excellent phono stage with balanced inputs.
I haven't seen any, that I know of, which fulfil my needs.
As there are a lot of folks on here far more knowledgeable than me, I would be grateful for suggestions. 
My budget is around  $19k & my current speakers are Audio Physic Avantera III. 



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Thanks all so far for your suggestions. 

The VAC looks interesting but would need to look further into the quality of the MC phono board... 

Raven seems good but no MC phono stage...maybe I should contact Dave...

I currently have an Octave HP700! I presumed that the V80SE didn't have an option for balanced inputs for the phono stage...the binding posts look cheap...!

I should also mention that as well as balanced inputs for the MC phono stage it needs to have at least one other balanced input.