Tube fuses on Jadis JA200 amps

Is there anyone that owns these amps that can tell me why the tube fuses blow. Does it mean the tube is bad? I retubed a little over a year ago and all of a sudden I've lost 3 fuses. I got 3 to 4 years out the last set(SED EL 34).I know the fuse filaments are microscopic. If I just replace the fuse it will hold for a while and then blow again. If I put a different tube in then the fuse holds. I know it sounds like I just answered my question but does someone have an explanation for me. Could it be power line surges?

Showing 1 response by rcprince

It is the tube starting to go bad, though you should keep the tube in there to make sure it's not a one-time thing (unless the tube is glowing cherry red, then it's a goner). One year is about all I got out of any 6550s or EL34s in my JA80s before the fuses started to go, and that's what I'd expect out of the 200s as well; the only tubes that lasted longer (3 years and still going strong when I sold the amps) were the Gold Lion/GEC KT88s. Whatever you do, make sure you use fast-blow fuses; slo-blows will take out some resistors and give you that nice burning smell when they go.