Tube Festival - Bay Area, California

I found this on the AA site and plan to go. Sounds like an informative session in the event folks here may want to join.
"Bay Area Tube Festival II

This is the Second Annual Bay Area Tube Festival and Swap Meet.
This event allows people interested in audio to meet and exchange ideas and views the latest cutting edge developments in tube audio.
Some rare and exciting equipment and accessories will also be for sale.
Last years Festival was quite a success and this year’s event should prove to be even better.

This years Festival will have lectures and presentations by some of the leading designers and developers of High End tube audio.

The lecture topics will include:

• Lynn Olsen will lecture on tube theory and the speaker amplifier inerter face issues.

• Gary Pimm will be discussing AC/DC current circuit analysis as related to tube amplification. He will also discuss his state of the art shunt regulators and current sources.

• Alan Kimmel will premiere his new wide bandwidth direct coupled choke assisted mu stage driver circuit. This is a very revolutionary circuit and will be of great interest to all.

• John Atwood of “One Electron” will be addressing the pros and cons of various vacuum tube cross over topologies and designs.

• Jack Elliano of “Electra Print” will be presenting his radically new Hyper-Drive high performance drive circuit for driving difficult tube such as 845, 211, etc.

There will be a round table discussion with the tube experts to answer any and all question one may have related to the subject of tube audio.

The featured amps will be:

• Alan Kimmel’s choke assisted mu stage bridged cathode follower PP amplifier

• Alan Kimmel / John Atwood Direct MUtation direct drive SE 320B amp amplifier.

• Cy Brennerman’s EL 34 SE cathode follower amplifier.

• Lynn Olsen / Gary Dahl Aurora PP 300B amplifier.

• Jack Elliano’s Hyper-Drive SE 320B amplifier.

• Gary Pimm’s will feature his PP 47 amplifier.

• Josh Stippich’s Gorgeous GM100 SE amplifier.

• Eduardo B. E. de Lima’s AUDIOPAX Model 88 mono-blocks

• Also featured will be Dan Wright’s "Absolute Truth Vacuum Tube Mod" that takes the SCD-777ES to the next level.

Please join us for this fun filled and informative event on Sunday June 1st 2003 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Randall Museum in San Francisco, California.
Admission fee will be $10.00 at the door.
Space is limited so it’s on a first come first serve basis.
Directions to the Randall Museum are available at

Please contact Ben Reginato at (650) 552-9900 or e mail at Please include your phone number in all e-mail messages"

I just called Ben and, since I happen to be in San Francisco this weekend, I will go. Careful, I know the Randall Museum. It is in a curious location just above the Castro and parking is bad. Also, finding the place can be tricky.