Tube dampeners on ARC gear ... FREE TWEAK

Here's a cheap (free) tweak for owners of ARC gear using the black tube dampeners. If you move both dampeners as far up toward the top of the tube as possible without having the top one fall off, taking care that both dampeners are solidly touching each other, you will get better dynamics, bass, mids, highs and a lower noise floor. Try it ... you'll like it.

Showing 4 responses by bdp24

Thanks for your report oregonpapa! I've already sold off the dampers I've had for years (Top Hat Tube Dampers, Pearl Tube Coolers), and will be getting a full set of Herbie's for my phono amp, line stage, and power amp. A couple of hundred bucks well spent, hopefully!

Oh man Frank, Harmonia Mundi is SUCH a great label! Repertoire right up my alley, performed so well and in those ancient rooms, and in great recorded sound. You’re right, you can really hear the room the recording was made in, something I absolutely love. To hear those "period" instruments (both antiques and modern reproductions) in those rooms, the type the music was written to be heard in, performed in period "correct" style (without the Romantic era vibrato that was not employed in the Baroque era), really adds to the full appreciation of the music and it’s performance. What more could one ask for!

In the 90’s the U.S. headquarters of HM in Westwood/West L.A. had parking lot sales every few months, offering discontinued LP’s and CD’s for $5 apiece. I was there every time. The cream of my music library!

Yep, that's a good one oregonpapa. I believe I have every J.S. Bach title HM put out. Some on LP and CD, which I haven't gotten around to a/b'ing yet. They have a world-class roster of Baroque specialists.