Tube and Solid State Amps both Biwired

Hello, I think I'm in trouble. In my teste, tube amps are much closer to reality but with the exception of proper bass and volume. I want to run my B&W 801 S/II's biwired woofers by solid state, mid/highs are by a pair of mono tubes. Some people says very good idea, some other says two different sound will be perceived. Anyone who tried or listened such a thing and shares the information with me ?

Showing 2 responses by eldragon

...instead spending your money on "mediocre" tube/solid combo, buy yourself ONE good solid or tubed amp. Remember, more (*&*@#$#$ between you and the source, more distortions. Good Luck
...instead spending your money on "mediocre" tube/solid combo, buy yourself ONE good solid or tubed amp. Remember, more (*&*@#$#$ between you and the source, more distortions. Good Luck. P.S. It shouldn't be ANY difference between two "excelent" amps, being Tubed or SS