Roberjerman, I went back and looked at the Heresy's timeline. It does date back to 1957 but it was called the H 700. It was given the Heresy name with an update in 1972 which was probably the year I got them as they were marketed at the time as new speakers. The K horn is the longest running production speaker of all time! I remember listen to them at the store I eventually got the Heresys at. They were being powered by Marantz Model 9 mono amplifiers and a Model 7C preamp. The turntable was a Thorens TD 124 with an SME arm. I don't remember the cartridge. That was the absolute State of the Art at the time. It had no problem doing realistic volume levels.
Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp
Can someone explain is there is a difference between the watts of a tube amp vs vSS amp, Looking to get a tube amp ,but i see that the watts are much less than the SS amps, So how do these Tubes amps with 25 -70 - wpc drive these high end speakers, I have a vintage pair of AR 9s and 2 mcintosh MC2200 amps in mono (400 WPC) to drive these ,what tube amp will power these under 3-4k new or used, Thanks