Tube Amplifier Sound Characteristics

I wish there were a scatter diagram one could put together of tube amp sound qualities. The reason I say this is that today's tube amplification can range from sounding warm and romantic to cool and solid state like.
I like the sound of VTL, Quicksilver and Antique Sound Labs. I am in the market for a tube power amp and as I shop I see where more and more amps do NOT sound like tubes at all. So where would the sound characteristics of the 3 amps I mentioned be? For example I was considering the ARC Ref75SE but owners tell me it is SS sounding. Your thoughts are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by krelldreams

Man, I love when @atmasphere joins a discussion! I really appreciate learning the “behind the scenes” details from someone who truly KNOWS! I don’t have much to contribute in terms of what one hears as a result of electronics design, but I can say this: the only way to know what a component sounds like, is to insert it into one’s own system and listen. That seems obvious, and it is stated here often, but its importance is still undervalued. “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover” (or a component by it’s circuit), is very appropriate in audio. I’ve been surprised many times by how something sounded, as a result of my expectations suggesting one thing, but then reality showing me those expectations were wrong. And that goes both ways: expecting great, but hearing mediocre.. and expecting mediocre, but hearing great