Tube amp power watts equivalent to Solid State?

I have a Cayin 35 watts tube amp. What is its equivalent to a solid state amp?

Showing 1 response by zd542

"03-16-14: Dopogue
My 12wpc SET monoblocks (845 output tubes, EL-34 drivers) designed and built by a friend sounded much more authoritative and powerful than the CJ Premier 12 monoblocks (140 wpc) I used to have.

So, for me, this contention -- tube watts delivering something more than SS watts -- must have SOME validity. It may not make sense, but I heard it, at length, playing all kinds of music, in my own system. Ten years later I'm still astonished at the twelve-watters. And my speakers are not of the ultra-sensitive variety.

Fortunately I'm not an engineer or I'd know this couldn't happen :-)
Dopogue (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

In your case, there may be a different explanation for your results with the SET's. In many cases, low power triode amps increase image size. Images of vocals and instruments just get bigger. Its easy to mistake that for more power.