Tube Amp Kits does anyone still offer.

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience putting together a Tube Amp Kit. I have built my own regulated variable power supply with a schematic that I downloaded off the internet, I bought all of the parts at a local Radio Shack.The Store manager said that he had never seen anyone build something with parts from his store,asked me to bring it in when I was done. I did about 2 weeks later, he was amazed, and another customer there at that time offered to buy it. I have never had any schooling,all self taught, the project was a blast,How much more difficult could it be to assemble a complete kit that I don't even have to figure up the math on to decide what size caps & resistors to buy.If anyone out there knows if there are any companys still offering good hi quality kits I might consider that route.Thanks, Curt.

Showing 1 response by kitch29

I'm surprised no one ever mentions Transcendant Sounds Bruce Rosenblit. Just visited his website,, got there from audio asylum. Pretty highly regarded on the asylum and he sells a pre-amp kit and publishes plans for a Stereophile class a otl amp.