Tube Amp/Integrated Storage

Just wanting to discuss this here in a narrow, subject specific way rather than straying into “side topics”….I’m not finding a whole lot in the web on the subject of storing a tube amp/integrated for, discussion purposes, 5 years or longer.  There’s a blip on some of the guitar forums but not much else.


Basically, can one store a tube integrated in a well cushioned box with several packets of silica gel inside a typical, reasonably climate controlled environment and expect that it will be plug-and-play ready in 5-10 years?  Should it be stored with the tubes removed or left installed?

Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by russ69

I put mine back into the original packaging with the tubes in place and store in an inside closet. Fully climate controlled. Changes in air temperature are one of the main causes of corrosion/deterioration. Not sure on time span but I wouldn’t think twice about ten years. Silica packettes won’t do much because they basically just store what the environment is and if the environment gets too moist, they can only absorb so much. Personally, I think most people are overly concerned about this because they have heard about old tube gear having problems but it’s mostly gear stored in the garage for 50 years, not stuff well taken care of.