Tube Amp For Mid/Hi

I've been looking into different tube amps to power the mids and highs on my bi-amped Maggie 3.5's. Looks like I can get Rogue Magnum 120's near $2K. Are there better/other options that I should be looking at. I'm thinking that I'll need at least 100W for the application since I do listen loud at times. While I have not heard the Rogues, I like the fact that you can switch between triode and pentode, and they seem friendly matainance-wise. One caveat; I do not want soft highs.
Look into the Cary V12 or V12i. They are around 2k used. Runs triode (50w), ultralinear (100w) and two-thirds triode. I can get mine pretty loud if I want to. You can also swap the EL-34s for KT-88s and play with the sound that way. Has a high input impedance so it is compatible with a lot of preamps.
ARC VT130. This was absolute magic with my Maggie 3.5 ..... especially with KT88 tubes. And with it only having to drive the mids/highs, it will not at all be strained as it was when I ran it full range. I have seen these go in the $1500-1700 range which makes them a runaway steal. Just stay clear of the ARC Classic series amps as they are very sterile sounding in comparison.