I am looking for a tube amp for a pair of Talon Raven-C speakers. I tried a friend's Graaf 5050 push-pull 50 wpc amp and it worked very well (the amp is no longer made). I would like a stereo tube amp that is no bigger that the size of my Pass Labs X-250 power amp.
I have narrowed down the list of stereo amps to the following:
Graaf GM-100 ARC VT-100 MKII or MKIII David Berning Bruce Moore Cary ??? VAC Standard 105 BAT VK-75 & 75SE
Please let me know you experience with each of these amps. I am concerned about getting the amp repaired. I knew that Pass had a great repair history and service if the amp ever needed to be repaired. Let me know if you have compared any of these amps and what the sonic strengths and weaknesses are and if you recommend any other amp to consider.
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