TT rumble versus "oscillation": what's the difference?

Playing some LP's I've described forward and back movement of my mid/woofer drivers.  No obvious noise emanates from the movement that can be visualized.  I assumed that this was evidence of "rumble" but have been informed that it might instead be "oscillations".

So my question to you vinyl gurus: what is the difference between those two conditions?  Is one worse than the other?  Do both compromise performance of the speaker and the driving amplifier?


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Contrary to what others say, the oscillating woofers in my speakers took out one of the woofers in my Vandersteen speakers. I tried everything but nothing got rid of the problem.  I tried all kinds of footers, maple platform, bubinga platform, I even bolted a Target TT shelf to the wall, wife was quite annoyed.   This was on phono only. I bought the KAB Rumble Filter and it totally alleviated the problem with absolutely no loss of bass. The best $170 I ever spent. I have had it for at least 12 years now.