TT mats

I have a VPI Scoutmaster TT and am wondering if any of you can recommend a matt for the platter and why?
Thanks in advance


Showing 9 responses by bdp24

handyman has received recommendations for just about every mat available. Time for him to try one or more of his choice, the only way he'll  find one that gives him the sound he's looking for. As for the why, some people like the way their bare aluminum platter sounds in their system, others have a preference for a different LP interface. Handyman won't know what he prefers until he tries something else. Start with the cheapest!

@analogluvr , good point. I use rather "lively" cartridges (London), and I’m thinking the Classic/London combo may sound a tad brash. London’s create a lot of mechanical energy, and a platter surface that is very hard (aluminum) may reflect it back rather than damp it a little. That’s the theory, anyway! The folks at the plastics place told me Delrin is harder than acrylic, for what it's worth. Also denser and heavier.

@jollytinker, I looked for a local source of plastic from which to make tone arm mounting boards, and found one in Portland---Multi-Craft Plastics (800/488-9030). I priced acrylic, acetal (Delrin), and polycarbonate. MCP sells them all by the square foot, in various thicknesses. I went into their office to look at samples and ask for their advice and recommendations. I don't now remember why, but I ruled out polycarbonate.

The price of a square foot of 1/2" acrylic is around $25, Delrin $35. Not bad at all! Acrylic is very glossy (exactly like the plinth of the VPI HW-19 Mk. 3-4, and the Aries' arm board), Delrin having more of a matt sheen. MCP sells the plastic, and will cut it to size (I'm waiting to hear back from them for an estimate). I left my old arm boards with them (the boards have arm mounting holes which do not match my arms), and am having pieces of acrylic cut in both 1/2" and 3/4" thicknesses. I'm sure they will cut a square foot of Delrin into a 12" diameter circle, and maybe even with a recessed LP label are in the center (they have a laser machine). Depending on what they charge for machining, it may be possible to get a 12"  Delrin platter mat for well under a hundred bucks.

@jollytinker, I found an Aries 1 plinth and motor, without a platter and bearing. I was looking at the platter options for the Aries when I was offered one of the type that came on the table, the TNT-3/4 type. When I was considering getting what the op of this thread and you have---an aluminum VPI, either the Classic or Scout 1.1---I knew I, like he and you, would want a platter mat on top of the aluminum. It's funny no one makes a Delrin mat, as it is an excellent interface between an LP and a metal platter.
@jollytinker, did you buy your Aries 1 with the Classic platter? The table came with the TNT-3/4 platter (7/8" aluminum with a 3/8" top layer of Delrin), did yours? If so, can you describe the difference in sound between the two platters? Thanks. Nice table, I just got myself one!
Thanks invictus005, but the Isodamp is not for my tables, all which have platters made either entirely of Delrin (Townshend Audio Rock), or aluminum with a top layer of Delrin (VPI). I have looked at the Isodamp for constrained layer applications, but didn't know it was available in black, as the SD-125 is. A lot of it is available in blue only.

Oops! I was looking at the R.S. Hughes Industrial Supplier website, and misread the price sheet. The $238 amount is correct, but that's for a piece 5.4" by 4 feet, not 4 inches! If I had thought about it for a minute, it would (or should) have been obvious that Isodamp COULDN'T be priced THAT high!

The 12" by 27" piece Michael Percy sells for $60 (I'll take your word for it ;-) is enough to make two mats out of. How does one cut Isodamp into a perfect circle?

Isodamp is great stuff, particularly when used as constrained layer damping. Because of it’s high price ($238 for a 4" X 4.5" X 1/8" square!), I chose to use the similar ASC Wall Damp for my constrained layer needs. A 4" X 4" square of Wall Damp costs only a buck or two. Of course, a turntable platter will look rather unsightly covered with 4" X 4" pieces, but ASC also sells it cut to size.