TT Decisions, decisions...

Hi all,
I am looking for opinions on keeping the TT I have or several I have been able to source, but are they any better.

Currently my main TT is a Micro Seiki BL-91L with an Allaerts MC1 boron on a MS-505-LS arm. The table has been modified with 23kg of polished gun metal material. It holds speed perfectly.

I also have a Luxman PD-350 with a VS-300 and a TA-1 tonearm. I also have 2 x PD-310 TTs and my beloved JVC QL-Y5F.

To the point. I have available to purchase a Luxman PD-444; a Yamaha PX2 tangential refurbished; a JVC QL-Y55f refurbished, or do I look for a PD-555, or a QL-Y66f or Y77f, or a new Technics SL-1200 (or joking, a Dohmann Helix 2 please!).

So with these choices, there will be some participants who will have the knowledge to analyse the vintage players and:
1. Offer an opinion on what I have. 2.Honestly discuss the options and perhaps expand on these
3. Move to the “todays” turntables and why.
4. Money. A critical part of the acquisitions.
5. I am willing to move all my turntables for the right one.
Australia uses 240vav/50hz but I do use a transformer for my Ayre K3r pre.

Another piece of information is that I use a Luxman EQ-500 phono.

Thanks, AG 🇦🇺
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Showing 4 responses by amg56

@edgewear Thank you for your great response and advice. What is hard to appreciate with your own gear is how it may compare with other equipment (in this case turntables), new or otherwise.
I personally I am inclined to keep the BL-91L and maybe the PD-350 due to rarity. I read up on various TTs including your recommendations, I also read up on the JVC QL-Y55f and the series upward and conclude that the Y66f appeared to receive the best reviews.
But then I sought views as to the worth of upgrading or keeping one or some of my current TTs. There seemed to be endless posts on people upgrading this or that, which led to my post. I didn’t expect the rude returns, however, better a few quality returns is better than a lot of useless ones.

br3098: appreciate the response. What was I looking for? As above and... There comes a time when even the best becomes bland and you begin to look for something more exciting. Such it is with where I am. But it would appear that what I have may be good enough, rather than seeking to chase the “better”. As edgewear stated, is may be prudent to sell off the least of the bunch and use the proceeds to improve am arm or some such.
Thanks A. 🇦🇺
It may be that I have some gems but am unaware that they are gems.

What is it with you people? I think I need to find a better forum where people are treated with a bit of respect. 🇦🇺
All I was asking for was an opinion on what to keep or sell, to reduce the number of TTs to one, maybe two. 
Shame that some of you see this forum as a way of insulting members who wish to seek other’s opinions.
Sorry gents. My question was meant to seek some opinion on what to keep or sell and/or replace the lot with a new or another TT (which I stated were other options).

It is a shame that some of you seem to think I am a troll or a big noter. If you want me to send a photo of each TT, I’ll be happy to.

The MS-BL91L is a special which was specially modified and the platter (solid gunmetal ground to a mirror finish by “Mirror Finish Polishing” in Kearny Missouri. It weighs 23lb (not kgs as I stated in my original post). Aussies use metric and imperial. Sorry for the misinformation there. 
The electronics and motor adjusted to cater for the 40% increase in inertia. A new
belt was also sourced for it as well.

Anyway, all I was asking for was any suggestions on change or keep.

MC: what were you asking? Silver or Gold?
Tom6897: Sorry you see my post as bragging. Without all relative information, how do you reply properly, or can you?