TT Arm-base Unipivot vs Gimbal-base Designs...

Any thoughts/insight on a single-point needle unipivot tonearm base vs a gimbal based design for turntables? Have you had both in your TT systems - what are your preferences and why? Pros/Cons...your own personal experiences?

- Function, quality of design, usability & ease of use, design purpose to actual performance - is there a notable difference? Does each system have inherent flaws - what are they?


Your insight is appreciated,



Showing 1 response by cleeds

I've heard unipivot arms sound fantastic, including the VPI arm. Personally, they just give me the creeps because they seem all wobbly and fiddly. But that's just me. My preference is for a precise, rigid pickup arm, such as the SME V I've enjoyed for years.