TT, 12" Tonearm. Who tried and ended up preferring 12" arm?

TT, 12" Tonearm. Who tried and ended up preferring 12" arm?

I don't mean to start a good, better, best, 'here we go again' tech talk about 9/12, that has been covered, and I have been researching.

I am just wondering: Who tried and ended up preferring a 12" arm?

Aside from all other upgrades you probably did at the same time, which could have improved a 9" arm, what about the 12" arm made you stick with it?

I suppose, 'I tried 12" and went back to 9"' would be good to know also

thanks, Elliott


Showing 4 responses by noromance

Everyone knows dustcovers down close in the sound. :-)  I found that out on my LP12 back in the 80s.

Metal lids do the same thing to tube preamps. 
@elliottnewcombjr Anti skating is a bigger deal with short arms. There is a general consensus that 12"+ arms do not require it. 
P.S. Stay with the Jelco magnesium headshell. You won't need anti-skating on the 12" although YMMV. You'll need phono cables. The Jelco 501 is perfectly good. Don't be tempted to replace it.
@elliotbnewcombjr I run 12" and 9" Jelco 850 on the same table. (I’ve also got two 12" 750s.) The 12" is better. It’s more open and dimensional. If you are going for the GEM, get the 850L 12". It is so much better than the 550/750. I’ve not heard the 950.