The suspension of the belts holding the old style motor eventually wears out.I obtained replacements for these on English ebay,search Rega.This is a bit fiddly!You have to remove the motor cover under the plinth.Your belts could be o.k.just make sure they are not caught on anything and manipulate from underneath (screws loose) with power off,platter removed etc, just center the motor and pull down. Stretching the belts down within reason is o.k they are fairly resilient.Make sure top of plastic pulley is lower than,and centered with the sub-platter(platter off)then retighten screws and replace belt.Replacing the motor belts is more difficult,I took the motor right out and forced the new belts through the small gaps on the side of the motor.The new motor upgrade I personally ignored,I just replaced the capacitor and resistor on the circuit board with new ones and put new belts on.You might not have to replace the motor belts anyway so it should be fairly easy.
Trouble with rega white belt seating properly
I just got the new white belt for my planar3 and that one along with my spare I never put on roll up and down and will not stay in place.My original belt is 10 years old and doesn't do this.I put in the subplatter upgrade a few years ago,I don't see that should be a problem,it wasn't with old belt.Does it need to breakin?Any ideas?
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