Tron Seven Phono

Hi there!

I have a standart Tron Seven Phono from 2006.

I´m am quit happy with it, i think........ I havent tryed others on my current setup, so i dont know "better".
I have read that many others is quit happy with the Tron Phono, so why shuldnt i be?

But i have the past mounth been thinking about what it can and can not. It sounds great with my Lyra Delos, but the Tron is a pluk and play phono. There is NO settings........ So how can i be serten that i get the full out of my cart?

Can any explain me how the Tron Seven Phono works and why it has`nt any setings. Other Phonos are packd with different settings so you can set the recomanded load or any other settings.

That why i`m beginning to questions the Tron Seven Phono..... But do i have any reasent to question it???

Showing 4 responses by pierre1976


I can`t relate to the volume "problem". It has proberly something with the gain between the HP200 and the amp.... I dont know ;-)

Right now there is Mullard Longplates NOS in it. I`m thinking about trying Psvane, do you know them?

What i know is that TW has a lot of static problem with the motors. I know of my own problems and 3 others here in scandinavia.
All of us, got the same messege. It has`nt happend before!!!

Now you speak of it too. So i think that static problem is a cummon problem with TW`s motor......

I have had my motor and controlor replaced, due to static problems. But i still LOVE my Raven One :-)

I have just sold my Tron Seven phono and my LS26 preamp.
Instead i have got a Hovland HP200p.

So i dont "worry" about the settings on the Tron any more ;-)