Tron Atlantic dac disrupts both Audiophile and The Audiophile’s Wife.

We had the opportunity to listen to the Tron Atlantic dac in our home last week. I currently own a Mojo Audio Evo dac upgraded to what was esentially the Pro level. In 2021 it retailed for $12,000. We love the Mojo dac as it simply sounds so beautiful and un-digital if you will.

The Tron Atlantic is really not very well known and rarely gets any mention on the audio forums. This is the main reason I wanted to post on the Tron. If you are looking for a DAC that delivers “end game” sonics, then this dac should be on your list. They sell for $11-$17,000 depending on the version. We listened to the top GT model.

We have heard some fantastic dacs in our home selling for $5500-$14,000 and the Tron just moved us more. Let me say this fellow Agoners and I say this after some considerable thought. This single piece of audio gear elevated the realism and emotional beauty of music to a higher level than any other “rectangular box” we have placed in our system. It connected us to our music in a new and special way.

The inner detail and nuance of this dac is quite extraordinary. I really don’t want to use audiophile terms to communicate what the “sound” is like. They just don’t get at the truth of the experience well or completely enough. My wife was moved to tears listening to Heldinnenleben play Por Una Cabeza on their Die Kolophonistinnen recording. I have not seen music influence her like this before. A first. No matter what we played, the music moved and engaged us more deeply.

This dac is priced beyond what many of us can or will spend. This includes myself at this particular point in time. However, for those of you with the budget and in the market for a truly special dac, you are now aware of this wonderful music maker. I was also auditioning another dac priced within my budget that my dealer suggested vs. the Mojo. In the end, I felt that dac was simply a lateral move vs. my Mojo Dac. I was not expecting the Tron Atlantic to disrupt our home music experience so overwhelmingly. I really thought no dac could do that vs. my throughly enjoyable Mojo. Oh well, I was wrong.

I cannot tell you how this dac stacks up against the more known audiophile brands selling for $20,000-$30,000. Brands like MSB, Lampizator etc…I just don’t have that level of first hand experience. I do know the builder set out to make this dac for himself only. Why? Because he had yet to hear any dac that moved him like SOTA analog.

Here is a link to the Tron website:

Here is a link to the Tron dealer I know (Colin):





Showing 18 responses by grannyring

Charles you are spot on regarding some designers and builders just have that special artist’s touch with gear! Tron is one such brand for certain.  No, I would not change one thing about the Tron dac as one more cook would likely spoil the broth! 🙂.  


I will message you. I must share that our Mojo dac is just marvelous.  I have put many a dac in my system and the Mojo has always proved to be superb. It is in rarified air in terms of natural tone and musicality. 

Charles, the only information I have is from the website. It gives some good information, but not quite complete enough for me. Top models use pure silver internal wire, better quality parts and more robust power supplies. The power supply is particularly important and upgraded with the top models.  Here is the info from the website;


Atlantic Deluxe DAC
The Tron Atlantic Deluxe DAC is a beautifully hand crafted Digital to Analogue converter. Great attention has been paid to every area of the design including the power supply and the Class A audio output stage. Each DAC is hand made by Graham in the UK for each owner. All parts come from the UK, Europe and the USA. It is available in a luxurious Silver and Black anodised aluminium finish as shown. The chassis is made from CNC machined Aircraft grade alloy chassis, designed so that no screws/bolts/nuts or other fasteners are showing.
Colour Finish: Silver/Black.
Price: Please call/email me for details

Atlantic Reference DAC
The Atlantic Reference DAC is based on the Deluxe model but has an upgraded power supply as well as selected parts chosen by Graham for the best performance and sound quality. Pretty much the whole power supply gets an uplift and as many of you will know power supplies make a huge contribution to the performance of a DAC. The audio output stage is also improved for better fidelity. It is available in a luxurious Silver and Black anodised aluminium finish as shown. The chassis is made from CNC machined Aircraft grade alloy chassis, designed so that no screws/bolts/nuts or other fasteners are showing.
Colour Finish: Silver/Black
Price: Please call/email me for details

Atlantic Signature DAC
The Atlantic Signature DAC uses a completely different circuit board designed specifically for the Signature model. It uses the same DAC R2R processor as the Deluxe and Reference models but that is where the similarity finishes. The Signature board houses a new power supply rarely used in anything Audio today which gives the Signature model its superior performance. Added to this Graham has used a different Class A output stage to which ensures maximum fidelity is delivered to the amplifier. It is available in a luxurious Silver and Black anodised aluminium finish as shown. The chassis is made from CNC machined Aircraft grade alloy chassis, designed so that no screws/bolts/nuts or other fasteners are showing.
Colour Finish: Silver/Black

Not sure what tubes have to do with this particular thread?  My amp does have tubes for what it is worth. Tron builds nothing but top flight tube gear, however here they determined the best dac they could make was this SS unit. Love to hear more from the builder on this decision and story behind the design.

The “more affordable”  Deluxe is priced more to my budget.  I did not hear it and wonder just how much of the greatness I experienced with the top model comes through? I would have to compare the two in my system to really know. That will likely never happen ☹️  



That’s a great point. Yes, you are correct as it is a solid state dac with no tubes. Tron does indeed make some very fine tube amplifiers and preamplifiers. I heard their 300B integrated amp and was smitten. It was driving Horning speakers. Beautiful.

LOL! I guess sometimes a piece of audio gear so impacts one’s enjoyment of music at home that the price actually seems understandable. I understand not all of us are driven to find such a piece and I get it.  

For more context around my experience with the Tron Atlantic I think knowing my system helps. System synergy is always an important factor. I have the Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filter and cables and well as the English Electric switch feeding my Innuos Zenith 3 Server. The switch and my modem are powered by an LPS. I use the Tchernov Ultimate USB cable. My amplifier is the Circle Labs A200 integrated amp. Finally, my speakers are the Fyne F704 with upgraded crossover parts and internal wiring. Top flight parts and wire.

The Tron’s remarkable extraction of inner detail and dynamic speed are a big plus for my system. My system is in a large 26x34 room with 10 foot ceilings and the speakers 13 feet apart. I do have some diffusion panels on the front and side walls. Before the Tron my system threw a very large stage with what I would describe as natural ease and flow. The sound was always beautiful and full of texture and weight. No problem playing loudly with no fatigue.

With the Tron inserted the experience changed from hearing a beautiful sounding system playing recorded music to more of a live event in my room. Piano key stokes had an energetic vibrancy and tone that I hear when listening to the real thing. This sort of experience was true for all instruments and voice now. This was a real shift upward in realism in my particular system. Some may find this difference small,  while others would just crave it intensely. The audiophile community is diverse and not all crave this sort of experience equally. It seems my wife and I do appreciate it.


I want to update all reading this thread.  I ordered  Signature model today! I listened to the unit in my system and was once again spellbound at the realism and purity of this dac. The Signature level sells for $13,750. 

I expect it in 6 or so weeks.  I will be sure to report back once I get the new dac.  

Thanks all for the kind comments! 

@facten ,


You may need to contact the designer directly for a better answer, but here is what I know.   He does not advertise the GT option on the site.  The topology is the same as the Signature, but select parts are upgraded as I understand it. 

All the Tron gear I have heard shares this magical combination of ultra resolution paired with a special natural and “human” delivery. So enjoyable to us. Allows me to relax and enjoy by touching me in deeper places and turning off my audio gear mind. Hope that is understandable folks.

Funny @steakster !

All Tron gear is designed and maximized for the best sound using single ended connections and topology. The voltage output of this dac is only 1.5v making the use of an active preamp important. I really enjoy the lower output voltage as I find many higher efficiency systems, like mine, benefit from this lower gain structure.  





Does the Helene dac really weight 80 pounds!? Well, that makes it too heavy for my back! I must have read that wrong. The 10 volt output is puzzling and makes me wonder if that spec was printed in error or out of proper context?

My dealer has heard these two dacs and greatly respects the Aries Cerat product line. He shared both dacs are top tier in sound, build quality and designer innovation. Tron is a tad more naturally resolved while the Helene is perhaps a tad more fluid. It seems both offer that special sonic “magic” many of us crave.



Been reading about the Aries Cerat Helene dac.  Well that is one beast of a dac!   Very interesting design.  I can see why that one is of interest to you.  

The Tron Atlantic dac does not incorporate any tubes so a comparison would be interesting.  I really have no experience with the Helene, but respect the build from a distance 👍   




Let me say I did own my prior speakers for just under 5 years 🙂. My Lyngdorf for 5 years also. I really do think my current speakers, Tron dac and Circle Labs A200 Int amp will stay in place for many years. Ha! We will see.


Charles, I so admire you enjoying your system as is for all these many years. Awesome in so many ways to me.

Yes the Helene dac does indeed weigh 88 pounds and the output voltage is 10v both RCA and XLR.  

Here is an update on my Tron Atlantic Signature dac. It has been in my system for some 8 weeks now and is fully burned in. I am so glad I made the decision to buy this dac.

It sounds so wonderful. I am enjoying my music more than ever. My wife listened to music till 1:30 AM a few days ago. She listens on her own for hours and that has never happened before! I am drawn more deeply into music because of the Tron’s uncanny purity and realism. I find myself listening more without reading or any other distractions. I am putting down my IPad and getting lost more fully into the music.

This dac is expensive, but worth every dollar based on the above facts.

LOL! Well, I am not touching this unit! Really. This is the one piece that I feel no urge to “improve”. I did look inside and am very impressed with both build quality and parts selection.