TRL 595 Discussion Died Years Ago

Just wondering what 2008-9 opinions might be about the player.
David I'm running out on my Lithium! Although, if you are talking about a manufacturer that has responded to the economic hard times and passing a real savings in audio to the end user. Your right you hit the nail on the head.These mods could sell for a lot more and still command the same audience. When Shake pulls the trigger on the current TRL 595. He will be back on the site shouting from the rooftops.Your cheap shots taking a poke from a customer in 04'who may of had a ligitimate grievance without any understanding of the other side or concern for the reason for the season. It speaks volumes to the integrity of your rheteric. Maybe your a progressive prosecuting attorney by trade with an agenda to move forward. I know a president who could use you in his cabinet. Anyone can find bones in our closet, but why did they get there? Don't exactly know what happened in 04' but it sure isn't a concern in 09'. Maybe for you and Budda ? Your a typical load of hot air in an empty suit. Yeah, I fooled around with some mods, and I know great designers and repairmen, so what. David the cheap shot artist! Please can you answer your affinity with Budda, is he one of your modded magical mystery men or is he a form of worship for you?

I purchased a modified Sony 900 from TRL about 1.5 years ago. I so enjoy it. I just sent it back to TRL for Paul's latest power supply upgrade. I have it back now and have to tell you the sound is perfect to me. Relaxed, open and so natural. I have not heard a CD player sound this beautiful.

I now own TRL gear and wire all around with the exception of my Silverline Bolero speakers. I am so off the buyng and selling merry-go-round now. I just buy music and some odds and ends like amp stands etc.

I just want to confirm that my Sony unit from TRL is wonderful. The work is obvious with the top removed and his power supply modification fantastic. The power supply modification alone will transform any piece of gear as it is that profoundly good.

I'm very perplexed because I put my TRL 595 up for sale so I could raise money to get a Sony 400 disc player modified by TRL. I'm not getting any bids on my auction, not one after a ton of views. OK it looks a little awful on the door but that is going to be fixed and the rest of it looks perfect. I think I should at least get some lowball offers, although thats not what I want. If anyone could shed light for me I'd greatly appreciate it as I've got a little over a day left. By the way, I'm not soliciting for offers here as that would be outside the rules of the discussion forum. I'm just looking for advise. Sincere Thanks,
Shake 777

I see that you are a recent member of Audiogon, and your question from yesterday suggests you’re not familiar with the way auctions go on this site. I myself am not that familiar with the auction process on Audiogon because I do almost all my buying from the classified ads. However, from the little I’ve observed of auctions, almost all the bids come at the very end of the auction. With the automated proxy bidding system, there’s no reason to bid any earlier. On a rare occasion, someone might attempt a “shut out” bid, but that only works if the bid is fairly high and therefore runs the risk of overpaying.

Your question would be more relevant if you asked it after your auction failed. In that case, it might be because you are a “zero feedback” seller. It’s often been said in these forums that “everyone starts with zero feedback.” However, because buyers are at greater risk (they pay before receiving the goods), it’s easier for a newcomer to start out as a buyer and build up feedback before selling. I’m not saying it’s impossible to sell with zero feedback, just harder.