Trivializing what I have is the best...

I have enjoyed and used this site since it's beginning.  It seems that many threads now boil down to people defending what they own in the manner of "what I own is the BEST!)....kind of like a high school pep rally. 


Showing 4 responses by asvjerry

*S*   But a 'king's ransom' that means little to some, may have a different measure to others....
What is meaningful and fulfilling can be meaningless to others.

Who are you to judge?  Yourself.  Although your final decree may be accepted only by you...and you, alone...

'Quid rides? Mutato nomine et de te fabula narrator.'
(Horace, Satires 1. 1. 68–72)

Enjoy yours, as I enjoy mine. ;)
whatjd, your first paragraph is the 'grail' of AG...concise, simple, and the basis of these forums. *S* If there be Prime Directive for us, that's It.👍

It's the 2nd one that has the 'trip wire'...;) 
" But hey, what I have is truly the best and I think everyone should have the same thing..."

To 'some', that gets taken Literally....much to general dismay for most...'varied' response by a few....🤦‍♂️

Crowd dynamics always attracts hecklers....we now call them trolls.
There be good trolls and bad trolls in any crowd, and the crowd determines which is which. 'Twas always thus, and likely always will be.

It keeps it lively....and all too real...*G*
edcyn, I relate it to our heritage as 'hunter/gatherers'....always looking for the next meal....;)

*hmmmm*  "....that looks edible.....*nibble*.....mmm....ehhh Blech!" *L*

(Or it goes down and stays there....for awhile....;)....)