Trivializing what I have is the best...

I have enjoyed and used this site since it's beginning.  It seems that many threads now boil down to people defending what they own in the manner of "what I own is the BEST!)....kind of like a high school pep rally. 


Showing 1 response by amg56

This is the first time I have posted anything about my own system. Some components are 250k, and my streamer was 1.5k (until I replaced it with a multi CD/streamer component 9.5k).
I felt that there would be a push back from the trolls and naysayers. Why would someone use 250k speakers?I love my system, I would like to improve some areas, or better said, try other components to see if one or more areas could be improved. That said, I also love reading the posts which are experiences or a personal review. Leave the bagging out of the posts.