The thing is that I will be visiting my son who is studying at the University of Toronto next Easter week.

My interests when visiting a new city -apart from blues and rock music shows- are:

1.- Contemporary architecture;

2.- Discovering places and neighborhoods not mentioned on tourist guides;

3.- One day trip to towns around the main city;

4.- Local "cuisine" as there´s an Spanish cuisine. Not meaning "hi-end cuisine" a la Ferrán Adriá. This trend seems to me like 70s progressive music -how to get the more complicated pentatonic scale-. Let´s keep it simple;

5.- Eating on the cheap. I mean affordable prices. Not breaking the bank;

6.- Drinking undiscovered beers and/or unexpected wines

7.- Bookstores (if they still exists); CD stores -if they still exist- and why not -the vice strikes again- audio stores -if they still exist-;

I´m open to your suggestions.

Thank you all.


Showing 1 response by jesusa0

What can I say?

Awesome and overwhelming.

I can see you canadians and some americans have a special fondness for Toronto.

Please, keep coming with more suggestions. For instance, contemporary residential architecture in Toronto. Is there any Richard Meier house or building? Or something like that.

An aside note: while writing this entry I´m listening Donald Fagen´s adventures in low-fi. Yes, the truly boring, poor sounding and worst produced "Suken Condos" japanese CD. And the sad thing is that this come from a die-hard Steely Dan fan.