Tried Dynaudio Sapphires with Moon 330A + 330p - very disappointing

ok. some of you will kill me for this but I am trying out replacing my old NAD C720 ($200) with some better amp for my Dynaudio sapphires. I just tried out Moon 330A+330P (~C$8000) and went what??? There was certainly a difference but certainly not worth $8000? Utterly disappointed, I am now thinking of going for a decent integrated stereo amp (e.g., NAD 375BEE)?

Am I missing anything here?

(see other post

Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

I agree with jafant, system synergy has everything to do with whether a system sounds great or is a huge disappointment ....

Sometimes putting budget components together can leave you more impressed than pairing expensive gear that you think should sound good together.