Tried Dynaudio Sapphires with Moon 330A + 330p - very disappointing

ok. some of you will kill me for this but I am trying out replacing my old NAD C720 ($200) with some better amp for my Dynaudio sapphires. I just tried out Moon 330A+330P (~C$8000) and went what??? There was certainly a difference but certainly not worth $8000? Utterly disappointed, I am now thinking of going for a decent integrated stereo amp (e.g., NAD 375BEE)?

Am I missing anything here?

(see other post

Showing 1 response by jriggy

We don't know what the OP didn't like about the sound...but... I had a demo at a local shop with Sim gear hooked up to Vandersteen Quatro speakers, which I was interested in at the time and which are widely known to be very natural sounding speakers. I played some music I know VERY well from a band I had seen live many many times. It did not sound natural at all. I was very surprised how off the timbre was. The guitars sounded like completely different instruments and their voices almost sounded like different people, or at least like there was some reverb or affect added... The system was SO colored and SO far from the real timbres I had come to know so well... 

 The gear was ALL Sim Audio, From source player through to the amps... 

I don't know if this helps anyone or not. But I think I have realized there is lots of gear out there and lots of audiophiles, too, that don't care much about realistic tone and timber OR plain can't hear that aspect of their systems. Maybe some have not heard it right to begin with or haven't seen enough live music? 

Maybe it was just the cables. I don't know what they were.