Triangle Titus 202 Opinions?

I have recieved much help from many of you in previous threads. I have boiled my search down to the Triangle Titus speakers. But before I go out to buy a pair, I'd like to ask your opinions on these speakers.
Get the upgraded versions...SE I think??? Er, whatever's newest, get those.
I think the original 202's had a quality control issue with the phase plug on the tweeter, often mis-aligned, causing brightness issues. The newer fixed that.
I think you'd do well with the Titus, on warm full bodied gear, even tubes. Good luck
I've had mine for a little over a year and really like them. Be sure that it has the gold front tweeter, the earlier models had a silver front and these sometimes would loosen up and change the sound. I paired mine with a Dayton Titanic sub and am very pleased.
The Titus ES is the current model and it's a really nice speaker. Airy, dynamic, unboxy, fast, gorgeous mids, and respectable lows for its size. It did cellos and quartets very nicely when I auditioned it, but also drums and finger snaps. Depth and soundstage were very good. Efficient too.

That demo was with Copland tube gear. My Dad bought them on the strength of it, to pair with his Linn Classik. He says they're great, but I haven't heard that setup yet.
For clarification, the tweeter problems were with the original XS, not the 202, whose name comes from the "new" 202 tweeter. I think these speakers are an exceptional value, although I can only speak for the larger floorstanders from direct experience. However, the virtue of these speakers, i.e. their transparency, can be problematic if the rest of you gear isn't up to par (garbage in, garbage out). Mine (Antals) were too bright in my system until I upgraded my digital source- revealing the limitations of my previous dac/transport.