Triangle sound-signature category. Which brands?

I am curious about my options withing Triangle Speakers sound signature.
I like their sound: open, dynamic and life like, but I cannot help but wonder what else is out there that sounds just like Triangle, but perhaps more sophisticated or just better overall?
Please share your thoughts as I am very curious about my possible options.

Thank you.

The Triangles are balanced, easy to drive, very detailed and articulate, have very fast transient response and practically disappear in the room when set up properly.

They are among if not the best I have heard at low volumes as a result plus can go loud without breaking up quite well way beyond what their diminutive size would lead you to expect, with good amplification.

Plus they only cost $500 or so brand new when I bought them years ago yet can compete with the best out there I would say.

Their low end is not as extended as some other small monitors like my Dynaudios, but is very full and satisfying alone with proper amplification nonetheless. Add a sub and they leave little to want IMHO.
A small Martin Logan in the mid range, with a bit more top end (Triangle Celius-first year).

Thanx, Russ
Used to own the Ventis XS and the Naia models - in my recent sojourn for new speakers I also auditioned the Quartet and Magellan (monitor)series, within the context of an all Audio Analogue system (a brand that Triangle often co-operates with). I thought that System Audio, Living Voice and Chario did (more or less) share some common traits and attributes with that of Triangle.
Agreed regarding a fair resemblance to ML and perhaps also Quad ES in terms of speed and airiness despite the conventional box design.
Here's a nice piece that does a good job of communicating what makes the Triangle Titus 202s so special: