Triangle Comete EX, Comete 30th Anniv, or Trio?

So these speakers are starting to get my interest. I can get Trios for $1700, the 30th anniversary Comete for $1500 or the Comete EX for $1100, which ones are best?

It seems like the Trio's were a higher line speaker, originally priced at around $2700 but the speaker I am hearing about is the Comete.

I'm looking for good imaging and detail but a speaker without alot of bass so that I don't bother the neighbors. Thanks for the input!

Showing 1 response by grinnell

At those prices look for a used Ref 3A De Capo. I had the Comete es and liked it but the bass and midrange of the de Capos blows it away.

very nice reveling speakers, good soundstage