Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"

Contemplating  sending my Tri-Planar Vll back to Tri Mai for his "SE Upgrade". Essentially, same carbon fiber wand and internal silver wire and leads used in his 12" U12 arm. Anybody done the dirty deed?  If so, better, worse or pretty much the same. 

I've only seen one post on the subject and that person seemed more than happy.

Thanks to anyone who responds with personal experience.  No conjecture please. 

Showing 3 responses by testpilot

Strawman and Scarecrow, are they the same person? In any event, we all can agree that the Wizard of Oz was a good flick. What does this have to do with this thread, absolutely nothing as @nadric has demonstrated.
I’ve just been scolded by Dad. No TV for me tonight!

Nandric, you obviously have some knowledge to impart, but it’s just your condescending and pompous posting style that turns people off.

@nadric, just to be clear, I had absolutely NOTHING to do with getting your posts removed.