Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"

Contemplating  sending my Tri-Planar Vll back to Tri Mai for his "SE Upgrade". Essentially, same carbon fiber wand and internal silver wire and leads used in his 12" U12 arm. Anybody done the dirty deed?  If so, better, worse or pretty much the same. 

I've only seen one post on the subject and that person seemed more than happy.

Thanks to anyone who responds with personal experience.  No conjecture please. 

Showing 1 response by mem2112

I purchaesd my Triplanar VII second hand a few years back. It was an 09 vi tage with rca leads. I did send it Tri last year for the se upgrade and maintenance go through. I would say that it is a worthwhile upgrade. Besides the cosmetic improvements with headshell and armtube changes, the arm sounds better. The silver wiring and maybe the arm tube definately improved the soundstage presentation. I have a Graham phantom elite to compare with and prior to the upgrade, The Graham easily had a more 3d presentation. The upgrade put the Triplanar in very similar company in my system. I have been using both a Transfiguration Proteus and Zyx Universe II. I have sttled on the Graham with the Proteus which is a spectacular combo and the Universe II paired with the Triplanar. So I am adding to this thread with my experience as a positive one with the upgrade.
