Treating High Humidity in basement

Hello all,

We have moved into a new house and my system is in a basement with floor heat. I have high humidity in this room, sometimes 68%. What is a good dehumidifier system to use for when I am not in the room? I have ventilated the room for up to six hours which lowered the levels to 59%, what else should I do? Should I turn the floor heat off and turn the room into an iceberg and vent the windows in the evening before I use the room? Thanks.
PS. I am located in Germany

Showing 1 response by seandtaylor99

This sounds like a question for a builder

As it says in the link using a dehumidifier may cause more problems as it will accelerate moisture ingress through the basement walls. Fixing a damp basement can be quite involved and expensive.

By the way, living in Boston MA we have 68%+ humidity throughout the house for much of the summer. I haven't noticed it causing premature aging in my hifi, and I actually like more humid air (as opposed to the winters when the air is bone dry). Provided there's reasonable ventilation and that mold is not present I don't see the problem with 68% humidity.