Transport, Touch or Mac Mini to Dac??

I have a PW Dac that I am running straight to my amps.
I have a Touch as a transport now, but am contemplating running a 2010 Mac Mini as a transport/server connected direct USB or converter to the PW Dac. I tried the Bridge but didn't find a lot of difference in comparison to the Touch and the server software is not ready yet.
I also still think that CDs through a high end player sound resolving and good.
Which transport route for maximum performance into the Dac?
Has anyone else tried the 2010 Mac Mini route?

Showing 1 response by larryken

I have Itunes into MacMini into Outlaw RR2150 integrated usb input....sounds decent and injecting a separate Dac would probably improve the sound, but it's pretty decent as is.