Transport loud with SACD?

I have a sony 9000es andonly the sampler SACD . When I play the SACD i can hear the transport spinning, byt on cd and DVD's I hear nothing. Is this something broken with the disk or is there something wrong with the playe? Has anyone else noticed this. Thanks


Showing 1 response by bufus

I had a Sony SCD-C555ES and I could hear the transport during SACD playback, but never in Redbook CD playback. It didn't happen all the time on SACD. When it did, I could usually eject the disc and put it back in to get rid of the noise. Anyway, I took the player back because it was audible at my listening chair. I figured that I either got a bad unit or it was a design flaw that would get worse instead of better. Maybe Sony has a general problem with SACD transport. I'm not sure if it spins SACDs faster than Redbook??? Anyone else noticing this noise?