Cables are system dependent...I tried Transparent speaker cables in my system and to my ears they are a bad value. I would try to compare several cables prior to moving up the Transparent line.
Transparent Cable Upgrade?
I own Transparent Music lInk Plus through out the system. I am considering upgrading to the Reference line. Worth the cost? Your experience?
Next, I have Nordost Frey phono cable. The only non Transparent cable. I chose this cable with my VPI classic since the TT manufactures its table with Nordost Vahlia cable. Wondering if I should sell the Frey and look at Transparent to keep the system uniformed. I find Nordost a bit bright.
Finally, perhaps not the forum to post, but considering converting the TT from RCA to Balanced. Worth it?
Thank you
Next, I have Nordost Frey phono cable. The only non Transparent cable. I chose this cable with my VPI classic since the TT manufactures its table with Nordost Vahlia cable. Wondering if I should sell the Frey and look at Transparent to keep the system uniformed. I find Nordost a bit bright.
Finally, perhaps not the forum to post, but considering converting the TT from RCA to Balanced. Worth it?
Thank you