Transparent Cable Upgrade?

I own Transparent Music lInk Plus through out the system. I am considering upgrading to the Reference line. Worth the cost? Your experience?

Next, I have Nordost Frey phono cable. The only non Transparent cable. I chose this cable with my VPI classic since the TT manufactures its table with Nordost Vahlia cable. Wondering if I should sell the Frey and look at Transparent to keep the system uniformed. I find Nordost a bit bright.

Finally, perhaps not the forum to post, but considering converting the TT from RCA to Balanced. Worth it?

Thank you

Showing 8 responses by harris4crna

May be a silly question, but upgrading only the speaker cable will be sufficient enough to hear a difference or need to change the IC also?
Just received the Transparent upgrades. Wow!!! Everything got tight and warm. Its not even burned in yet. Went with Reference SC (pre-owned), and three Ultra IC including the XLR phono. $10,000 later. Better be worth it. System just got more expensive. Time to sale the BMW M3 :).
Well, mattmiller, i already own the Transparent line, so your posts dont help much. Yes, i could try another line, but honestly i like these cables. True, there may be better cables and i may try a few prior to upgrading. I have tried Nordost and its a little bright. I still use a Nordost Frey phono cable and its a bit bright. My speakers are on the bright side and i am trying to tone it down. I would like to hear more about the comparison between the Ultra and the reference line.
Dealer here in seattle stated the Ultra and Reference were kissing cousins and differed by when purchasing Reference you get custom caliberation and spikes on the boxes to keep them off the floor. How important is the custom caliberation or will the Ultras suffice?
For the price increase, i sure hope so. Thank you. What are they calibrating the cables to?
Thank you all. I just upgraded my junction box on my VPI from RCA to XLR. Originally had nordost Frey rca, but since the junction bix change i switched to TA music plus IC. The sound got louder, but the clarity decreased. The bass is not as tight as it was with the nordost. On the other hand the sound got warmer and not so crispy and clear. I did not like the nordost sound, but did like tightness of the bass. Guess my stop is to trial nordost vahalla IC versus Transparent Reference. Wish me luck.
Mikey, yes i am using Ktema. I believe the brightness roots from the Nordost Frey Phono IC and not so much from the Ktemas. With that said, FS has the typical SF sound. I made the plunge yesterday and ordered Reference SC and three Ultra IC. One IC will be used as XLR phono cable. I had to buy new for IC in order to use the trade up program. I could not justify the cost to purchase three reference IC and i purchased the reference SC at certified pre-own price. Guess i will wait and see.

Mikey, i cannot imagine you passed up on purchasing the FS Ktemas?