Transmission line speakers!

Hi group,

I just pulled the trigger on a mint pair of Falcon speakers. They are a transmission line design. I don’t see many speakers using transmission line. Does anyone here have any experience pro or con with this type of design? BTW, I have always liked sealed type speakers over ported speakers!

Thanks much!


Showing 2 responses by bdgregory

My Infinity Monitor IIa’s are transmission line. I bought them new in 1977 and still play them daily. They are rated flat down to 22hz and have the best bass performance (ie, most pleasing to me) of any speaker I have had - including my Von Schweikert VR4-III’s, which are also transmission line (per Albert Von Schweikert).


Some of Rega’s  speakers are purportedly TL.

On further review of the infinity marketing material that led me to think the monitor ilia is transmission line - it actually says that they “pack the other Enclosure with uniquely configured material that further damps the woofer and creates a transmission line load”.


I think the real magic is in the woofer itself which has damping material applied to the cone which stiffens it.  

they still produce glorious deep, deep bass, however it’s done.