Transfiguration:sonic balance/Axia shares Phoenix

Hello, Am getting ready to pursue another cartridge for my Bluenote/Encounter III combination.Former cart was the Allaerts Eco.Would the Transfiguration cartridges give me some or to the same degree of the non-mechanical traits that the former had?
I have read many positive reviews of the Phoenix.Does the Axia share these family traits and to what degree?
Please keep the discussion to the family of Transfiguration cartridges.
Thanks in advance to all those willing to venture their opinions.Tom

Showing 5 responses by tpsonic

Won't go back down the JA trail... As for new MCs,the Phoenix is on the upper end of a proposed limit.Don't
think that I am comfortable buying used (Temper V/W).
Nsgarch:Do you feel that the Phoenix' sound is completely different than the Orpheus-no family resemblance?
Still looking at cartridges in the $2-3K range.Any comments on the Benz copper/SLR or Ortofon Jubilee?Or other recommendations??
The one sold to me was a 5 year old cart.It failed about a year later (cantilever & coil-left).The rest is a long and painful story.Alas,I didn't want to spend 3K+ for an Eco.
Are the bodies worth anything?
After speaking with two different dealers,the impression is that the bass could use a little "goose-ing".
I had a very informative discussion with Steve Dobbins/Xact Audio.Our perception of cartridges seemed to coincide.After our discussion several cartridges met the demands:Myabi,Dyna XV-1,Ortofon (590??) and the Allnic Verito Z.I took the plunge on the Allnic.Should have it in-house in about two weeks.Will report back.I will compare this cartridge to my working Eco.
There is mention of a "new" importer for JA's products-One could only hope.
With only 4 dealers,I can see why.Hammertone Audio (importer) has an interesting site.Xact also.