Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?

I was considering buying a Transfiguration Temper W but I am now aware that a new cartridge called the Orpheus is available costing more than the Temper.
Not much info seems to be available about it other than basic specs, can anyone comment on differences between it and the Temper.

Many thanks

Showing 3 responses by raudio6f82

Can you expand on the differences between the Temper V and the Orpheus.
Many thanks
There isn’t a Transfiguration web site, the cartridge is manufactured by Immutable Music Inc in Japan.
Interestingly the Nightingale cartridge by Graham is also manufactured by the same company and the design is very similar, I wonder if the Orpheus inspired the Nightingale or perhaps it was the other way round.
Price perhaps $4400.

Sorry for not coming back earlier. BTW you need to remove the antispam “outthisbit” part of my email address to send an email.

To put my comments in perspective I should say that I have been using a Colibri for the last 2 years or so and to be honest it was only my itchiness for change that set me looking elsewhere. The Colibri has not really put a foot wrong other than the occasional bad tracking.
I did manage to try out an Orpheus and I must say that it’s a great performer but being a row D type of person I was never totally satisfied with it although I have a feeling it may be one of those cartridges that would have gradually won me over.
With the itchy feeling for change persisting I then tried out the Decca London Reference for a week and I now own one. This cartridge was not easy to live with straight out of the box though, it was totally different to the demonstraightor, very hard sounding, with no finesse. I was beginning to think that I would be going back to the Colibri but I persisted with the run-in process. Now that it has about 30 hours on it the sound has just started to change, almost overnight, so may be it will stay but I think it needs another 50 hours or so before I will know for sure. But…. the Colibri is very special.