Transcriptors Vestigal--Opinions wanted

Just wondering how this arm stacks up against today's model arms. I love the arm, and it has a lot of nostalgic value, as well as being great in its own right, but I would like to know from those who have owned one whether it can compete against modern technology. Any info is appreciated, particularly from those who have had one and compared it A/B style with others of the modern era.


Showing 1 response by caterham1700

As beautiful as the Vestigal arm is, the sad truth is that there just aren't many contemporary cartridges with a high enuf compliance to get the most from it.The number of really good ones is zero.
Have you tried contacting Michael Gammons (David Gammons son) at
Perhaps he can make suggestions and as his company is dedicated to the maintainence and restoration of Transcriptor tables would be an excellent person to hook up with.
(Warning:)Please don't EVER bring up Michell turntables.Michael is obssessed with restoring his fathers good name and reputation as the real designer of the tables that Michell falsley credits to himself without having ever having paid for the rights.
'Nuff said.