Tracks that bring out the best of YOUR digital system

My faves-never fail to get toes tapping or give goosebumps. Qobuz

-Feels so good (C. Mangione)

-little by little (R. Plant)

-Do you believe instrumental (poolside)

-all night long (Lionel)

-this must be the place (talking heads)

-hang on to your love (Sade)

-rock you gently (j. Warnes)

-don’t stop me now (queen)

-lonely stranger (Clapton)

-So lonely (police)

-just like you (satin jackets)

-innocent man (b. Joel)

-in love (melosense)

silhouette (goldroom)


What are your faves?



Showing 3 responses by llg98ljk

Not toe tappers but. I recently Decided to resurrect my old HSU sub by ordering a new plate amp from HSU. I had purchased a replacement several years back so I decided to see if I could set up a dual sub system. After much moving things around I finally was able to eliminate the null at my listening position.

All I can say is WOW! The depth and articulation I get now far exceeds anything I have experienced going back to the early 70's when I first started in to this hobby. I honestly question why some are so adamantly against sub systems and choose to listen to polite British BBC style monitors neat. But I digress.

Recently and newly enjoyed cuts that just blow me away are:

"Orian" by Melanie MacLaren.24/192 on Amazon

"If it be your will", Jennifer Warnes, Famous Blue Raincoat, CD quality.

"Leaders", Billie Strings. 24/96 on Amazon.

The last one will literally shake things in the room and hit you in the chest.



@audioman58 Are you really so deep into the camp that believes sound quality and enjoyment are inexorably tied to the price of your components? There are actually those of us who derive great pleasure from entire systems that come in at prices for less than your recommended minimum for a single component. Some of us actually need or want to stay within a budget. 

@grislybutter what’s strange? I have some issue with suggestions about how one has to spend X before you can enjoy hi fidelity, ie; at least $45o0 for a DAC. After all, isn’t the mantra here “let your ears be your guide “? So that should assume that your enjoyment shouldn’t be tied to the size of your wallet. I assume you understood that my original post was a response to Audioman58.