Tracks that bring out the best of YOUR digital system

My faves-never fail to get toes tapping or give goosebumps. Qobuz

-Feels so good (C. Mangione)

-little by little (R. Plant)

-Do you believe instrumental (poolside)

-all night long (Lionel)

-this must be the place (talking heads)

-hang on to your love (Sade)

-rock you gently (j. Warnes)

-don’t stop me now (queen)

-lonely stranger (Clapton)

-So lonely (police)

-just like you (satin jackets)

-innocent man (b. Joel)

-in love (melosense)

silhouette (goldroom)


What are your faves?



Showing 2 responses by audioman58

If you do these necessary things much more of your system will be toe tapping .

Ifyou are into digital the issue is not getting the basics right for example 

you should have a modem router combo to start , the agood LPS power supply going to the router for these wall warts are $5 pieces of noise and digital from house to house brings noise  ,fiber optic sucks the life outof music 

you need a quality Ethernet switch Ansuz  and others sell them around $2500 and up, and good Ethernet cables ,the one at the endpoint most important .

for $400 Sablon makes a verygood one for the money .for example. ,even witha goood dac until your address these weaknesses then you-will not get that vinyl type  sound ,dac should be at least $4500 on up if you want true reference quality sound .I go to many audioget togethers and finally got the message ,no short cuts Allowed !!

What I stated is just a matter of fact a linear power supply of any cost is your choice 

linear tube audio I Highly recommend .,higher quality Digital cables are also proven better by many brands.

the Ethernet switch unfortunately is quite costly to Gan a substantial increase in naturalness and musicality . I have heard at least 6 .I have a less expensive ZlHZy SW8 which is for sure better then the $30 non audio quality type.

Anything having a Wall wart is trash just adds noise and has no business in audio .

I have had several a $3k and $6k Ethernet switch in my system ,from Innuos  and Ansuz , I absolutely plan on buying one of them ,my brother has 2 in his audio systems and IMO worth every Dollar streaming is at least 15% better at minimum ,

to me it’s worth it .I am busy with home improvements , end of year I plan on upgrading a system upgrade in several areas . 40 years + into this and having owned a Audio store I know high Quality I have owned $$ 6 figure systems .

now with advancing technologies you can buy a excellent audio system for under $50k.that’s my end game over the next year. Synergy is what’s most important 

then just $$ monies thrown at building a Audio system.