Townshend pod answer needed

Hello there,


How high do the Townshend pods raise a piece of gear when being utilized?  They list the height for their platforms(1.5")/podiums(0.75"), but I did not see that spec for the pod products.



+1 on previous comments. 

I tried adjusting my pods and previous posters measurements mimic mine.


1.5"-2.5". Most optimal when 1.75"-2.0". This is from the chassis base, not the bottom of any stock feet.

So each pod is loaded for a specific weight of the piece of equipment you are using them on.   If one of the pods sits underneath the 10 lb transformer of a power amp the 3 other pods have to be adjusted to level that piece.  If you are using under a Dac that weighs 10lbs you will have very little compression of the springs so they may be taller. So that being said budget 21/2 to 3 inches